Sunday, February 14, 2010


Hello, blog readers! We have just arrived from Furano and I just wanted to get you all pumped to hear about it. However, now is not the time for an update- super tired tonight but will get you that update ASAP!

As per SOMEONE'S request (ahem, Eric Cho), I have changed the's true, that green was pretty just took someone's nudge to get me to finally change it. In the end I would like to make this site look nicer. Hm...someday when a vacation means not skiing everyday all day.

AND guess what! We are starving and for Valentine's Day I told Ryan I would get him Pizza Hut pizza (which we are hoping lives up to our standards of real Pizza Hut pizza). So I just ordered pizza over the internet IN JAPANESE!! Haha. Should be here in half an hour. Guess that's another future topic.

BTW, in Japan, on Valentine's Day the women give the men chocolates. So that's why Ryan gets pizza today. Happy Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jane! This is much more easier on the eyes. I hope that Japanese Pizza Hut can match the old school goodness of American Pizza Hut, which was actually good. Much like KFC, I miss good old school pizza hut. Happy Valentines Day!
